Membrane fouling is analyzed, and that concentration polarization, cake layer and pore blocking are main reasons of membrane fouling are pointed out. 对膜污染问题进行了研究,指出浓差极化、滤饼层形成和膜孔堵塞是造成膜污染的主要原因。
The vacuum membrane distillation for loquat leaf extract was tested and the concentration polarization was analyzed. 研究了枇杷叶提取液真空膜蒸馏过程的影响因素,并分析了浓差极化问题。
Non-Poisson Fluctuation and Non-Nernst Concentration Polarization in Irreversible Electrode Processes with Hysteretic Diffusion-convection Transport 对流扩散传质滞后的电极过程中之非Poisson涨落与非Nernst浓度极化
The utility model aims to provide a secondary flowing membrane apparatus which can reduce the membrane contamination and the concentration polarization. 本实用新型的目的在于提供一种降低膜污染和浓差极化的二次流膜装置。
Establishment of controllable wall shear stress and LDL concentration polarization model in rabbits and their effect on atherosclerosis 一种可控的切应力及LDL浓度极化动物模型的建立及对动脉粥样硬化的影响
Theoretical Analysis for Ultrafiltration Process and the Concentration Polarization Phenomenon 超滤分离过程及浓差极化现象的理论分析
The new technology is called ion concentration polarization. 这种新技术称为“离子浓度极化”。
Dielectric Model of Concentration Polarization in Pressure-driven Membrane Process 压力驱动膜过程中浓差极化的介电模型
Flux decline is caused mainly by protein adsorption and concentration polarization on the membrane surface. 其衰减的主要原因是膜表面吸附蛋白质以及在膜表面形成浓差极化层。
Cathode Concentration Polarization And Critical Current Density in Electrowinning of Copper 铜电积过程中的阴极浓差极化和临界电流密度
The small current of the slow pulse could efficiently decrease the ionic concentration polarization and increase the charging efficiency. 慢脉冲中的小电流有效地控制了离子浓差极化,提高了充电效率。
Effect of membrane thickness and flow rate on concentration polarization in pervaporation 膜厚度和流动状况对渗透蒸发过程的浓差极化影响
Concentration polarization and membrane fouling in membrane process severally limit its application and development. 膜分离技术中的浓差极化和膜污染在某些方面限制了膜的应用和发展。
Effects of membrane morphology, membrane fouling and concentration polarization on streaming potential 膜形态、膜污染和浓差极化对流动电位的影响
The phenomena of concentration polarization, component competition and capillary condensation were also observed in experiment. 同时,膜法乙炔脱湿过程中存在组分竞争、浓差极化和毛细管凝聚等现象。
The concentration polarization is very small, which chiefly occurs on the interface between the porcelain tube and sulfur. 浓度极化是很小的,它主要发生在瓷管与硫的接触介面上。
The essential distinction of EDI process from ED process is the utilizable concentration polarization and dissociation of water. 浓差极化与水解离的可利用性是EDI与ED过程的最本质区别。
Study on Concentration Polarization Phenomena in Ultrafiltration Process& Affects of Protein Adsorption on Flux 超滤过程中浓差极化现象的研究(二)&蛋白质吸附对通量的影响
This new process reduces the electrochemical polarization and concentration polarization in the normal electrochemical impregnation, and maintains the balance of the electrochemical impregnation solution. 该新工艺手段降低了常规电化学浸渍过程中存在的电化学极化和浓差极化,维持了浸渍溶液的平衡。
Methods and strategies of study on concentration polarization and Membrane fouling 研究浓差极化和膜污染过程的方法与策略
The humidification and concentration polarization was studied with the model. 应用该模型对燃料电池的增湿效果和浓差极化进行研究。
The phenomena of concentration polarization under the conditions of preferential adsorption and repulsion on the surface of membrane were analysed. 分析了溶质在膜表面优先吸附和受排斥情况下的浓差极化现象。
The results also indicate that the phenomenon of temperature polarization and concentration polarization is inevitable during VMD process. 其过程中的浓度极化和温度极化现象是膜蒸馏过程进行时的必然现象。
Study on concentration polarization in the reverse osmotic process 反渗透过程中的浓差极化的研究
The results indicated that the mechanism of flux decline was resulted by concentration polarization and gel layer formation of polymer, and the other reason was that crude oil and inorganic matter plugged membrane pores. 研究结果表明,通量衰减的机理是聚合物的浓差极化和凝胶层的形成,其次是原油和无机物对膜孔的堵塞。
Control of Concentration Polarization and Fouling of Membranes in Microfiltration and Ultrafiltration 微滤和超滤过程中浓差极化和膜污染控制方法研究
The data on the dielectric relaxation spectroscopy were analyzed by using an dielectric model based on the interfacial polarization theory, the structural parameters of the concentration polarization layer and the capacitance and conductance of the bulk solution phase were obtained. 利用建立在界面极化理论基础上的介电模型对介电谱进行了解析,获得了特征浓度极化层构造的参数和体系的其它相参数。
The ultimate current density of the cathode can be raised and the probability of concentration polarization can be decreased. 可以提高阴极极限电流密度,降低发生浓度极化的几率。
In the membrane separation process, the existence of concentration polarization phenomenon has a great influence on the mass transfer. 在膜分离过程中,浓差极化现象的存在极大地影响了传质效率。
Using this model in industrial design and practice, flux change can be predicted. So we can control the concentration polarization and membrane pollution effectively. 在工业化设计和实践中,可以根据该数学模型预测超滤条件的变化对超滤过程的影响,有效地控制浓差极化和膜污染。